Thursday, September 8, 2011


We survived the earthquake unscathed, but weren't so lucky when Irene tore through.

At 3:00pm on Saturday I was on the phone with mum talking about our wild storm when Joey and I heard a huge crack coming from the front of the house.  We ran to look out of the windows and saw this.

A gigantic limb (about 1/2 of the tree, really) from our maple in the front yard had snapped off and fallen onto our hedges, our power lines, and out into the road.

Our poor hedge!

The big limb wasn't our only worry.  The whole yard was a mess.

We'll have to have a professional tree trimmer come take care of the remaining limb.

Sunday was surprisingly nice out, so we worked our tushies off to get things back in shape.  The grass will look much better once it's been seeded this fall.  Actually, it was seeded Saturday morning - it's been RE-seeded after since I'm sure everything was washed away with the torrential downpour from Irene.

The rain hasn't really stopped since.